I did not vote for Barack Obama, but he is my president. We the people have spoken and now President Obama is about to make history. While I take issue with those who say that he will be the first black president, he is clearly a man of color, and he is clearly the President of the United States of America. I take issue with the claim that he is the first black president because, being bi-racial myself (half white/half Asian), I cannot imagine disavowing any part of my heritage in order to fit a profile (even though many past employers have strongly encouraged me to do so), and while some of his handlers may have done this, I don't believe Barak Obama has, nor would he do the same. But I digress...
I have prayed for, and will continue to pray for Mr. Obama, as the pressures and responsibilities that have been placed upon his shoulders are unimaginable to me. I have been encouraged by some of his cabinet selections and his willingness to bring people of different viewpoints into the fold. I will not, nor will I buy into the "cult of personality" that the mainstream media has created. I have but one Savior. Nor will I engage in the politics of personal destruction as so many pundits from the far left and right have often gleefully participated in. And while you could argue that there are few things that I would NOT make fun of, the office of the president demands and deserves respect, regardless of your personal feelings for the person who holds said office. Late night comedians and shows like Saturday Night Live make their living off of satirizing people in political office. While much of it is very funny, it has often crossed the line and become entirely too personal and down right cruel. My hope is that ALL of us, regardless of our political leanings and/or affiliations, would remember the words of Dr. King as we begin a new era in The United States of America:
I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.
I have a dream today.
Last night Big Al and I were listening to King's inspiring speech and I couldn't help but be moved by the fact that we have placed a black man (okay, as you say a half-black man) at the tip top of our power structure after holding them in slavery for so many years! That made me proud.
I didn't vote for him, and am NOT excited about someone with such oposing views as mine being in a position of authority over me, but scripture says his position over me HAS BEEN ORDAINED BY GOD!
Also went to see Valkyrie last night. All the more reason to be motivated to pray for our leaders!
BTW, I've always wondered why people embrace only one side of their heritage- but most of us do , and usually we embrace the
Father's heritage of his last name.
My Dad is considered Italian, although his grandfather was fully Italian and Grandmother was fully German! But it is an Italian name.
My mother was a "mix" of many. I consider myself Italian though.
My boys consider themselves Irish (Murphy), but I'm not at all offended that they don't embrace my Italian heritage.
SO really, I don't know what I am.
Proud to be an American though.
Forgot to say, Good post!
Great post. I was thinking about MLK yesterday and the local radio station asked if his dream had been fulfilled by Obama becoming president. And I don't think so because Dr. King hoped that we would judge a person by their character and not their color. Yet, how many times will we hear today about Obama's color. I respect you for not "playing the race card" even when it was advantageous to do so.
Thanks for the reminder to pray for Obama and respect the office. Sometimes I get caught up in the political debate and forget those things. So thanks.
Good post. I was going to write the 'obligatory inauguration' post, but I think my comments over at Sherri's blog about sums up how I feel, so no need to be redundant. And, I do not have this great feeling of hope that so many Americans who voted for Mr. Obama had. At least, not hope where Obama is concerned. I do have great hope in God that this is all part of the plan and I am thankful that He is ruler over my life and not a Democratic President and Congress.
Whaddup with the serious post?
It's party day today! ;)
No, I'm with you on just about everything you wrote. But as a goofy sanguine, I can't help but be carried away by the symbolism. And in spite of not agreeing with Obama on a lot of issues, I find myself liking the guy. I'm gonna try to reserve judgment on him until I see what he DOES. (Not just what his supporters hope he does.)
Finally, I've never cared about watching the inauguration in my 40+ years, but today I'm glued to the TV. Don't want to miss out on the memory.
I still think that judging based on character is still many times a dream not yet realized....especially in the political arena....but then again, no one holds a magnifying glass up to my life every day...
Anyway, I've been wondering what he thinks about the whole black vs. bi-racial thing as well. But it does make me excited that the bi-racial kids (black/white) that I know and used to work with have someone of high standing that can identify with their struggles of not quite fitting in either culture...cuz sometimes things still seem very segregated around here.
Thanks to everyone for their contributions to the conversation. ("Chuck" - snort!) I will not be glued to the television today, as I actually have to get off my big butt and work today, but my guess it that I will be able to view the festivities for the next 48 hour news cycle at least.
Steph - Not to worry, more silly posts to come. I've gotta throw down a serious post every now and then so that I don't have to type after every sentence ("I am not being sarcastic.") I'm working on a new post along the same vein of the "Sky Mall" posts. It will be delightful, I'm sure!
Oh, and the sanguine/expressive personality profile? Not only did I score high in that category, my pastor told me that in all his years in ministry, he had never seen anyone with a higher score in that category. I am the poster child for the Sanguine Personality Type. (In case anyone was wondering.)
My main concern is FOCA. I am praying that FOCA does not pass. I am praying for our new president.
What cartoon am I already? Did I miss that post?
Well, now I can't do the obligatory inauguration post because you said it all so well that mine would just be redundant.
Great post. And I agree with what you said on my Rambling Rose post, too. I definitely think we (mostly meaning the media) cross the line often in seeking to dredge up junk, rather than just appreciating what a person has done well, and letting them sort out the other stuff with God. But I did like the point of the devotion in that we don't have to be perfect to be used by God for great things. :-)
Just a side note. I can't wait to see what you do with Freak Girl Manifesto. Sounds like something I'd love.
Yeah, I didn't vote for him, either.
Adding our new president to my prayer list now. Thank you for the attitude check I so desperately needed today.
Hi Katdish. This is my first time coming to your blog. Great post. I'll visit again. You seem like a wild and crazy lady.
Well said. The love of God transcends any and all ideology. I say that because the office of President is really above any one person or political party also.
I may not agree with his politics, but President Obama is my President now...and I will respect that and pray for him.
God bless.
Amen! Fabulous post
Wonderful post! Working in an organization where I am the minority, I hope and pray that race does not play a role in his decision making and leadership. That would be a dishonor to Dr. King. And, BTW, you can take me out of time out now. :)
I Timothy 2:1-3 "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;"
Great post!
wv "retti" = Are we all retti to see what the future brings?
hey kat,
i started praying for him when he was elected. i just read that he, in honor or roe v wade, has lifted the ban, placed by pres. bush , on tax funding of abortions in other countries. what a way to get started. we need to also pray for the unborn, they are feeling the first effects of our new president.
I think you've got the right idea. It's our job to support the President, and call him out when he's out of line. I refuse to lower myself to the level of how so many people treated Pres. Bush, even if I totally disagree with Obama.
I've never heard MLK's "Dream" speech without the hair on my arms rising. Those words could only have been breathed into King's ear by God himself.
I could have written your post---I also did not (could not) vote for Obama. At the same time, I certainly did not vote for John McCain---I wanted to let my party know that they had offered me a poor choice, and so I wrote in my husband's name on my ballot, so I could feel good about my selection.
I think Obama has so far made some decent cabinet choices (disappointed and cynical about Hilary though) and appears to be intelligent and thoughtful.
Of course we will pray for him--as you said he is OUR President, and Romans tells us there is no authority in heaven or on earth that he did not put in place. That always gives me comfort when we get chuckleheads for leaders.
One last thing---I live in the Deep South, and have to say, I am thrilled for my black friends (every single one of whom voted for him) who have children to raise and I am thankful that this happened in my lifetime.
Also, I don't know if it's kosher to post a link on someone's blog, but for all those concerned about FOCA there is a great (and very easy to sign) petition right here:
Kathy, thank you so much for this blog. All I can say is "ditto." It is our job as Christians to love and pray for others even if we disagree with them.
Thanks for reminding me of the cock fights. How could I forget that??
Hope y'all are doing well. Tell the fam hi for me.
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