Yeah...that's right - PART FIVE. I told you this was never ending...
In case you missed the first four installments, you may find them here:
The Katdish Dictionary Part One
Katdishionary Part Two
Katdishionary Part Three
Katdishionary Part Four
And now, on with the katdishionary:
In the first four installments of the katdishionary, I have shared words and terms from my time on the internets. However, there are some terms that have their origins in the non-virtual world. I will share a few with you here.
You're not the boss of me – (pronounced Yur-not-the-boss-ov-mee)
Definition: A declarative phrase meaning "you're not the boss of me".
Origin: Two summers ago. My friends Jeff and Tamara had bought a house. Jeff was already here, but Tam and the girls were still living in Ohio. As a surprise housewarming gift for their daughters, they had picked out new bedding and I was painting their rooms to coordinate:

Some of you may think I'm not much of a follower, but that's not necessarily true. I can and do follow strong leadership. Jeff is my pastor and I'm part of a church plant. I defer to Jeff and others when it comes to areas that are not my area of expertise. However...in this particular scenario (the painting of their house), I may have gotten a tad bit demanding and forceful in my opinions of how certain things should be handled, and I may have been insistent that certain things be done my way.
To which Jeff response was, "You're not the boss of me."
And then I don't remember what happened after that because I was laughing too hard.
Hard Panda - (pronounced hard-pan-da)

Definition: A panda that isn't fuzzy or hairy, with short, smooth fur.
Origin: We left the kids with my mom for a few days to attend the Exponential Conference in Orlando, Florida. The conference was over by Thursday, so we planned on going to Disney World the following day. When I asked the kids what sort of souvenir they wanted from our trip, my then 6 year old daughter informed me all she wanted was a "hard panda". After some considerable explanation, I was able to disseminate the difference between a hard panda and a fuzzy panda. Also, "hard panda" was to go-to phrase for the week in Orlando.

"Fuzzy Panda"
Honky for you (pronounced hon-kee 4 u)
Definition: interchangeable song lyrics to the worship song Fuel.
Origin: My daughter. Who sometimes prefers her lyrics to the actual lyrics:
We are burning…
We are yearning…
See also Go on up to the mountain of
Heroes and konk-konk the brave,
Heroes konk-konk the brave
And thus concludes another edition of the katdishionary. Sorry/you're welcome!
You and your daughter look lovely together.
More like the Insightlopedia Katanica (Sarcasm Edition).
This is silly. But I like it.
Cassandra - I'm silly. Or hadn't you noticed?
I like your daughter's style. My wife has been laughing at me and my lyrics for years. The sad part is that I usually think I know what I'm talking about, but instead I'm off key and off lyrics.
Our granddaughter has her own versions of songs too and I love that room! I think it looks awesome!
I really like seeing rooms you've painted. Years ago, I found a wonderful painter who turned my son's room into a rain forest, anaconda and all. It was truly awesome, and I was so sad to leave it behind when we sold the house and moved elsewhere.
Sweet pic of you and you daughter.
Some of the definitions (dishinitions?) have been self explanatory... however, I don't think I ever would have figured out 'hard panda' without some help!
Ahh, the song lyrics are priceless. Who doesn't want to be honky for the Lord, really? When it comes my time, I pray I live it... :)
Silly? You are always so serious.
Heroes should konk-konk the brave. Really. ;)
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