Friday, February 26, 2010

Katdishionary Part 4

It's time for yet another installment in this never ending flowing fountain of blog fodder known as Katdishionary, where I attempt to explain the origins of made up words found here and other places I frequent around the internets.

In case you missed the first three installments, you may find them here:

The Katdish Dictionary Part One
Katdishionary Part Two
Katdishionary Part Three

And now, on with the katdishionary:

Jesus Frying Pan(pronounced Geez-sus Fri-ing Pan)

Definition: A frying pan with an image of Jesus on it.

Origin: A Gift to Remember by Candy Steele, from the Fellowship of the Traveling Smartypants Blog. (What - you don't follow that blog? For shame...)

"We have a wedding coming up in the family, which brings us to that endeared tradition of registering for gifts that most people can't afford to buy for couples they barely know. So in light of the fact that I need to re-register (can't you do that after 35 years?) and my pots and pans have seen better days (read: my family has eaten all the non-stick coating and are all going to die), I want to be gifted this pan. It doesn't matter that I'm not the one getting married. It would make the holiest of food. Children would never misbehave at the table if Jesus was embedded in their French Toast now, would they?

And whackin' somebody up the side of the head with it would seem so fruitful."

HTITHWAJFP(Pronounced H-T-I-T-H-W-A-J-F-P)

Definition: Acronym for "Hit them in the head with a Jesus Frying Pan".

Origin: Wuddup with the Side-Ways Smiley Face? Comments Section

Nick the Geek said: "I amaze my youth when I text or message them and use much more advanced terms than the simple LOL. :oD That said, when I here someone use lolspeak IRL I want to HTITHWAJFP (Hit the in the head with a Jesus Frying Pan). >:o "

Skanktinicity (Pronounced skank-ta-ne-sa-tee)

Origin: Wuddup with the Side-Ways Smiley Face?

Definition: A state of mind brought on by too many Bratz Dolls in the house.

Usage: "So, apparently I'm in a bit of a non-conformity/skanktinicity groove lately. I'll shake the skanky thing as soon as I get the rest of those Bratz dolls out of my house. BTW - If you don't want me to send the leftover dolls and feet to our good friend Beth, you should probably take a bullet for her and enter the contest. I think I've gotten her pretty worked up about that -- mostly because she knows I'll do it without blinking an eye."

(See also Skanktacular)

IANL (Pronounced I-A-N-L)

Definition: Acronym for "I am not laughing".

Origin: Wuddup with the Side-Ways Smiley Face? Comments Section:

Beth said: However, I am not laughing. (IANL) If those dolls show up at my house....Worked up does not begin to describe it. >:-$

Editor's Note: Beth had recently been the recipient of a "Sox in the Box" laundry sorter from yours truly. I also sent (at no charge to her) a slightly used giant-headed, spinning and singing Dora the Explorer Mermaid Doll. She wasn't as thrilled as you might imagine she would be...

OSLT (Pronounced O-S-L-T)

Definition: Acronym for "Or something like that". (Although I had no clue what it meant until alert twitterer @elysa googled it for me yesterday. Thanks @elysa!

Origin: Wuddup with the Side-Ways Smiley Face? Comments Section:

Candy said: You know you have become "one of them" when you SAY "LOL" in conversation. OMG. C'mon, Kat, get with the 80's! I started using abbreviations back in my PC Jr days. (That would have been BEFORE NtG was born). The reason was so my kids wouldn't know what I was saying. What goes around, comes around. OSLT.

Helen said: Candy, what does OSLT mean? I am reading it phonetically and I don't like it one bit! ;-)

Katdish said: Helen - I think Candy just called you a slut. I could be wrong...


This concludes this edition of the katdishionary. I will most likely revisit the referenced post again, because it is awash in katdishionary terms.

Are you wondering what we all did before the Twitter? No...didn't think so.

Sorry/you're welcome!


♥ Kathy said...

I was reading along nicely, lol-ing (haha) in all the right places til I got to the end...

Katdish said: Helen - I think Candy just called you a slut. I could be wrong...

You should warn those of us with heart conditions before you throw something like that out there :-D hahahahaha!

Glynn said...

The Jesus Frying Pan --oh, wow, just when you think we can't get any tackier -- we manage to.

I keep saying, you need to publish these.

Candy said...

Nobody every bought me the Jesus frying pan. Holla if you need my address.

I couldn't remember what OSLT meant when you tweeted it yesterday, because I need context. That makes all acronyms easy to explain. So after going back and reading the comments section of that post, it was very apparent: Or Something Like That. I did not call sweet Helen anything (that day). You have to understand that my life has been one whole acronym. Ron Burgundy will walk in the house with "WFS" and I know immediately it means "What's for supper." Or LDTDMFTW is "Let's drive to Des Moines for the weekend." It's just the way we talk around here. So GMAB or HYITHWAJFP (if I had one, that is).

Anonymous said...

That frying pan gives a whole other meaning to WTFT... just sayin.

OSLT is a new one to me, and I agree with Kathy... it needed a disclaimer!

Nick the Geek said...

Yay, I made it int another edition of the Katdishionary. I'm not sure what this means though. At least it isn't based on my typos but rather in intentional absurd things I say.

FYI I'm working really hard on replacing WTFrak with WTCrack. I often say "What the Crack?" in RL because I refuse to use netspeak like "W.T.F." in rl like a freak.

jasonS said...

Very nice.

And Candy, I'm not familiar with GMAB. Does that stand for Grab My A**, Bob? That's just my first guess. Grab Me Another Beer, perhaps? That may be a better option. Good Morning America Bisexuals? Okay, I'm done...

Billy Coffey said...

I can't top Jason.

Helen said...

Jason, Bob will not be grabbing Candy's @$$ if he knows what is good for him.

Candy, I am glad you weren't calling me a slut. (That day)

I could NEVER eat French Toast with Jesus's face on it. Which is word, because being Catholic, I believe in Transubstantiation, which one would think would be a bigger deal....
Oh well. I hereby reserve the right to be weird.

Anonymous said...

lol.... this was great!

Helen said...

I meant "weird", not "word". OOOOOPS!

Marni said...

Helen, I like "word" better. It made you sound hip and phresh. Just sayin. Also, I was quite worried for a minute that Jason thought Bob was gonna grab Candy's @$$. Glad you set him straight.

As I recall, this blogpost was the one that generated the (*)(*) and (|)emoticons and thus prompting Sherri to proclaim she knew T&A would end up on your blog. Good times. We are some HIGHLY entertaining people I must say.

Stephen said...

A Jesus frying pan would enhance both my kitchen and my spiritual life. Whenever I fried up my favorite food, I would remember that Jesus died so that I might eat bacon.

It's just the sort of device to help me maintain a daily quiet time, too. Well, mostly quiet, apart from the sizzling.

Amen. OSLT.

Maureen said...

in re: Jesus Frying Pan
Now I understand why the dish ran away with the spoon.

Word. (Among my son's friends, that's an acceptable response to just about anything you might say or ask.)

OSTAS. (And that's not the name of a government agency.)

Annie K said...

Candy, all I could come up with for GMAB was Go Make a Baby.

But I am not even going there.

Wendy said...

Make Candy stop! She's hurting my brain.

Laura said...

I so love the Katdishionary. I'm almost crying from the Jesus frying pan.

JML said...

I need a Jesus frying pan . . . . mostly for the abuse aspect to it. But I'm that mature. . .