I've always appreciated a writer's job. They can take the obvious and make it new, can create entire new worlds, and can convey the deepest and darkest of human emotions. But it's only been recently when I discovered they can also be a pain in the...well, you know.
But alas, it is my calling to help navigate the waters of social media. It is my cross to bear...
The best of me (or not) on the twitter:
RT @muchl8r: I just got man-whiched between a large boss and a big graphic artist at work. . . Where's my HR Person?
RT @TonyCToday: RT @misstexan: Cigarette smoke, b.o., and cheap cologne- do I work in a bar? No. Just a high school.
RT @stretchmarkmama: I'm flossing before noon. I hate to be so transparent like that, but there it is.
@TonyCToday Well, as long as you're emotionally shattered already, you should read my post today
@TonyCToday So do I! But does being able to punch one make it better. I'm thinking yes.
Remember these?: http://bit.ly/310qXy

@billycoffey Well of course you've taught me something: how to deal with crazy writer people.
"There’s no doubt that Jesus’ action created one king-sized moment of awkward silence." - Jeff Hogan, C3 http://bit.ly/jzleI
And since Michelle broke spades with her comment, then YES, that's exactly what that tree looks like:

@billycoffey Buh, bye...
@billycoffey You're right. I am very thankful that I can remove people from my friends column whenever they make me mad. (in reply to @katdish Quit griping and be thankful.)
@billycoffey Meh? Now what kind of attitude is that. This is your best life NOW!
@billycoffey Turn that frown upside down Mr. Coffey! (in reply to @katdish A cloudy, cold day that promises rain. That's what's up.)
RT @prodigaljohn: SCL crew raised $950 to match donations to Vietnam today. Give $1, we'll match it. $20? Matched
I heart direct messaging...(in reply to a DM sent to @HelenatRandom - I crack myself up.)
@Helenatrandom Oh, I'm in...
@billycoffey Whatever helps you sleep at night, Billy. (in reply to @katdish Well, I'm a redneck. Rednecks are tougher than samurai ninjas.)
@billycoffey That too... (in reply to @katdish Thought you were a samurai.)
@billycoffey Of course not. I'm a ninja. (in reply to @katdish Ah, morning katdish! I didn't see you lurking.)
@billycoffey Well bah humbug to you too!
Follow @PeterPollock . Okay? Good
RT @prodigaljohn: Play matchmaker? @katdish will $1 for evry $5 the Acuffs match tom for $500 for Vietnam. You in? 25cent match means $25
RT @prodigaljohn: I've got 5 on it. Tomorrow, Acuff family is matching the 1st 100 $5 donations for 2nd kindgrten http://tinyurl.com/yaye6aa
@llbarkat We're devising a clever marketing plan for your book. You're welcome. (in reply to Are you guys talking behind my Twitter? @katdish @gyoung9751 :)
@gyoung9751 Have you ever bought a book based on its cover? I know they say you can't judge one by it, but I think people still do
@gyoung9751 And my answer is, Number 2
@gyoung9751 Not to sound like a complete sell out, but I ask myself, "Which cover would people gravitate towards at a bookstore?"
@llbarkat So let me ask you, what are you trying to convey with the cover art? What mood do you want to set?
@BridgetChumbley No. I'm the boss. (in reply to @katdish Well, you are the boss... or wait, is that @billycoffey? I get so confused!)
@BridgetChumbley Well I mind! Slacker... (in reply to @billycoffey Of course not. You can add that link whenever you are ready & able. How are you feeling?)
How early is too early for grocery store sushi? I got a hankerin
RT @muchl8r: MMMM-Bop! //What???? Hanson? Really? Has hell frozen over?
Hey! You know what? I think I'm pretty smart. I really don't want to take your DM IQ test. Thanks anyway Spammy McSpammer!
@muchl8r Will there be thinly veiled threats of violence? (Say yes)
@HerbieGookins I've missed your long, seemingly unrelated to content comments on my blog.
@HeatherSunseri Okay, sorry. That was kinda gross...
@HeatherSunseri That's what the Imodium said too... (in reply to @billycoffey @katdish You guys are so cute. This too shall pass. That's what my mama always says.)
@HeatherSunseri I didn't quit. He's just being disagreeable. (in reply to @billycoffey By the way, before I reject or accept the job, what did you do to make @katdish quit?)
@billycoffey Oh, shut up... (in reply to @katdish Funny, mine's doing the same thing.)
@billycoffey Oh, wow. You should see my DM column filling up right now... (in reply to @katdish YOU CAN'T QUIT ME!)
Hey! Any writers out there looking to be made a household name? I may be available soon.
RT @billycoffey: @sarahmsalter Is that what @katdish does? Look out for me?
@sarahmsalter It's darned near a full time job. (in reply to @katdish I understand. You're looking out for @billycoffey's best interests. :o)
@sarahmsalter I'm not the boss of him. I just strongly suggest things
@redclaydiaries Perhaps you just needed a good blood letting.
#FF @br8kthru Because he rocks the sweater vest.
@RachelleGardner So the query delivered by the singing gorilla telegram was not impressive? Dang... (in reply to Writers: Pretty much anything you do to get our attn in your query, besides a terrific blurb, is wasted effort. #pubtip)
@DaleChumbley Aw, Dale. No one should ever get credit for your stupidity but you.
@redclaydiaries How did I miss the waffle ho conversation? Stupid non virtual life...
And of course...Sorry/you're welcome!
Well you certainly do a lot more tweats than I do...I'm a Twitter watcher more than a talker :)
Have you taken on another writer? Because I KNOW you're not talking about me...
Hell really did freeze over this week.
You used that stinking clown thing again.
When will you learn?
Haven't you read 'It'?
Well. I'm sure glad you at least MENTIONED me in this post. Or I'd have some grievances to air too, let me tell you.
And Billy, don't let Katdish disrespect you like that. Come over to the dark side where a TRUE Twitter Ho will be your publicist...
Oh good grief Steph! You were all over this post last week! There's no pleasing you!
And is Billy saying something? All I hear is banjo music...
since I popped in off of FB through Billy.... well, I am amused I actually read through all those, and enjoyed it!
This is the funniest thing I have seen in a while.
You remind me so much of my best friend from college. She made everyone laugh.
She used to adopt stray dogs. She would put huge sunglasses on herself and on a dog and walk the dog to class with her. Sometimes with curlers still in her hair. (We were drama people -- the hair was for that evening's play)
You've got her style.
Billy? Being difficult? I can't even imagine... He's an angel in human form, right? :)
Okay, is it just me, or did anyone else notice Bozo in katdish's post? I think she secretly loves clowns.
Oh, how I miss the Twitter...sounds like you had your hands full this week, Katdish. You should really do something about hearing things...like banjos.
I can always count on smiling when I come over here.
I love reading your comments.
Oh don't worry, I love reading your posts too, I'm just saying...you have hilarious friends.
As I scrolled down the page... my fave part kept changing.
I thought the 'TREE' was it, especially when Michelle voiced what we all were thinking...
But when I read this:
@DaleChumbley Aw, Dale. No one should ever get credit for your stupidity but you.
Nuff said...
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