Most of you know I spent last weekend visiting my dad just outside of Austin. It was a very laid back visit with lots of time just hanging out by the cement pond watching the kids swim and reading a couple of manuscripts. (I say that like I read manuscripts all the time.) I'm just very fortunate to have met some very good writers through this blog that for whatever reason didn't laugh at me when I asked to read their work. (I'll most likely give you the 411 on what I read at a later date.)
Sunday we visited Gateway Community Church and met the guest preacher, Vince Antonucci. It was a great way to kick off a laid back Father's Day.
So, guess what my husband wanted to do while in Austin?
He wanted to go to the Graceland of Outdoor Manly Stuff - Cabela's.
I must admit. I've always been pretty impressed with the Bass Pro Shop near our house - boats, a huge fish tank, lots of dead animals stuffed and displayed everywhere. Plus, that place is huge! At least I THOUGHT it was huge. That was before I went to Cabela's. How many stores do you know that have their own water tank in the parking lot, hmmm?
Bass Pro Shop is a skinny punk compared to Cabela's. If Bass Pro Shop was lying on the beach, Cabela's would come up, kick sand in his face and steal his girlfriend away.
That's how much better Cabela's is than Bass Pro Shop.
We went to Bass Pro last night to pick up something for the boat. I actually felt bad for it. All this time I thought it was so great, but I found myself at the entrance trying to convince it,
"It's not you, it's me."
I won't give you a run down of how massive a store Cabela's is. I'll just share a few camera phone shots with you:

Doesn't that moose look majestic? Sure, the coins in the water and fake rocks take away from his dignity a bit, but still...
Ah, Cabela's...
Sorry. Just got a little teary-eyed.
Y'know, I LOVE the serious posts, but these posts are just so... Katdish.
Don't ever stop doing them regularly!
The pictures didn't load for me, but that's OK, I had fun imagining what they looked like from the descriptions!
We have a Cabella's that opened near us recently. I haven't checked it out yet, but your blog has convinced me I should!
Did that Cabela's have a restaurant? And if so, did you try the ostrich, elk, wild boar or bison sandwich? I don't think they have those on the Subway menu...
Katdish! After I found your blog I just figured you must have had a hand in putting together something like a Cabela's.
This is the one store our whole family visits regularly where no one gets tired of waiting for everyone to be finished shopping. Shooting gallery and tackle for my son. Animals and fish for the little ones. The very best clothes and second very best shoes (no stilettos) to be found for us ladies. And for my husband John? Well let's just say every single visit is a little slice of heaven for him.
We've been visiting the original store at the Sidney, Nebraska headquarters for years. It always made a good excuse to hit Colorado since we'd be next door, and made the last leg of that 1,300 mile drive just a bit bearable. Nice to finally have one in our backyard at Dundee, Michigan.
By the way, you did find the bargain cave? It's my favorite spot for stuff like the full length down-filled coat that sees me through Michigan winters.
Billy - No worries. I'm sure you just got something in your eye.
Peter P - Bummer that you can't see the pics. That moose is quite majestic.
Eva - Yes. Go. It's pretty amazing.
Wendy - Yes. That store has everything. We didn't eat there, but I hear the bald eagle hot wings are delish.
Anne - Yes, the bargain cave, the clothing, EVERYTHING! I could have spent forever in there. But since it was Father's Day, we spent most of our time looking at boat stuff and weapons...
Are those mountain goats I see? Are those native to Texas?
Never even heard of Cabela's...I haven't been to a Bass Pro either. But I love our local Gander Mountain. Not near as impressive, but I could spend the day looking at camping gear and canoes and be pretty happy.
1. Nice pedicure
2. I hope my kids don't read this because we used to call this the Zoo. They thought all zoo animals just stood politely and stared.
3. When an elk head is mounted on the wall, do you ever wonder what's mounted on the other side of the wall? I used to try to go around and look. Kept me wandering in those stores forever, just to find the back end of all the animals. At least Cabela's keeps most of their animals whole. Dead, but whole.
4. Here's a kleenex, Billy. Be real - there's probably not much in there you don't already have. Except the back of that elk.
Instead of torturing my brothers by sharing these pics with them, I will just be insanely jealous on their behalf. The closest they've gotten to Cabela's is drooling over the catalog and placing orders with great fanfare and anticipation.
And sorry, did you say bald eagle hot wings?
Bob just shops through the catalog.
Nice feet!
Now you are going to have people finding your blog with "Annie K. rack" . Wanna bet?
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