Friday, May 9, 2008

Mother's Day Tea!

Today was a very special day. I was invited to a Mother's Day Tea in my daughter's first grade classroom. I knew it would be special, because Rachel informed me that I needed to "dress fancy". Each mom was greeted at the door with a single red rose from their child. We were then escorted to our special "spa station", which looked remarkably like a child's desk. Rachel treated me to a wonderful manicure and painted my stubby fingernails with the perfect shade of blue to match my "fancy outfit". She proceeded to shower me with hand made gifts and pictures. Soon it was time for sweet tea and a yummy blueberry muffin. Afterwards, the kids all sang a very special Mother's Day song. What a wonderful way to start the weekend! I love being a mom!


Justine said...

Oh Kathy, how sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the pic of you and Rachel together. You look so much alike!

Justine :o )

heartafire said...

This is so dear. I love being a mother too.
When my girls were toddlers, a friend said "The days are long, but the years are short." Waanh-hanh, this is so true---once they start going to school the years just seem to flip on by, like one of those calendars in a cartoon that shows the passage of time.
I'm so thankful to be a Christian, knowing that in heaven I will one day really know my girls in all their fullness, seeing them as babies, toddlers, girls, young women, old women and not have any regrets, any sorrow or bitterness, worry or angst---but just joy in all their stages, without having to think of how quickly it all goes by.