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Greetings! Welcome to the highly anticipated(?) Easter candy review post! First and foremost, I want to thank everyone for their feedback on Twitter. It was most helpful. I wish I could review everything, but hopefully this will be fairly representative. Special thanks to @HeatheroftheEO for the heads up on the Robin Eggs lipstick technique, and to @pagan43 for the microwave/peeps instructions. And now, on with the review.
First up. The Cadbury Creme Egg.

I know there are those among you that find these things delightful. My question to you is Why?

I don't know what that crap in the middle is, but I'm pretty sure if you looked up the words "vile" and "putricity" in the dictionary, there would be a picture of a Cadbury Creme Egg. It is the McDonald's McRib sandwich (aka the "McKnuckle") of the candy world. In both cases, every few years I feel compelled to try them again to see if my senses were wrong. Each time I reconfirm my initial reaction to their disgustingness. Verdict - FAIL

A much better choice would be the Reese's peanut butter egg. What's not to love? It's chocolate. It's peanut butter. It is delicious delightfulness in the shape of an egg. Verdict - PASS

The hollow chocolate Easter Bunny is a perennial favorite.

My recommendation is to buy a small one, but that's probably due to the fact that my stomach was still recovering from the Cadbury Creme Egg at the time of the sampling. Still, I believe less is more when it comes to chocolate rodents. Verdict - PASS

Robin Eggs are basically Whoppers wrapped in a hard candy shell. They're pretty good, but after about five, I'm ready to move on.

But HOLD THE PHONES! As I mentioned earlier, Heather clued me into another use for Robin Eggs - an emergency substitute for lipstick. And I'm all up in multi-purposing. Verdict - WIN-WIN

I've never been a big fan of Peeps. They're basically marshmallows rolled in sugar. Meh...

That is, until I learned of Peep jousting at praise team practice Tuesday night.

Oh, sure--we spend most of our time either praising Jesus, praying, or washing each other's feet, but occasionally we get a little sidetracked...Anyway, I knew I had to try this at home. I purchased one package each of pink bunny peeps and the traditional yellow chick peeps. I attempted to ascertain if either had the advantage in a jousting match in the microwave. To assure accurate results, I have several rounds of chick vs bunny. (HLAC = integrity) The chick had a clear height advantage, and was victorious each time. I took pictures, but they didn't turn out so well. I can only share with you the final result of the joust:

For those of you who have never witnessed Peeps jousting, I would highly recommend it. I have taken the liberty of creating a video. You're welcome:

Also? Jolly Rancher jelly beans: there is no substitute.

This concludes my Easter candy review. No, really. I was happy to do it. I'm a giver...
Kathy. I hope your kids understand how freaking cool you are. That video had me laughing like an idiot. I'm not even kidding.
Those 'dead' bunnies look like meat puppets.
I'm just saying...
Another hilarious romp by Katdish. Thanks for keeping it light, sister! (I really enjoyed the Peep joust)
This brought a smile -- and then a laugh out loud. What a great post!
Did you just refer to my kind as "rodents"?
And if you hadn't laid the bunnies on their backs, they'd have stood a fighting chance. But then, how can I expect a chicken site to be fair when their own is represented in a fight!?
Oh Kat,
I was hoping you wouldn't be putting Peeps in the microwave.
And what happened to the Hershey's Kisses? Oh, well, maybe I should review them myself.
I'd never heard of the lipstick technique. May have to try it sometime
It's a sunny day here. I slept in, but I read your post first as I promised, while eating my breakfast of egg whites, toast, coffee, and fresh strawberries.
Agreeing with Heather. It was my only chance to try lipstick.
Kathy, I seriously love you! You make me smile EVERY SINGLE DAY! :o)
Holy. Cow. I can't stop watching that video.
I'm not sure I approve of wasting Peeps like that no matter how epic the fun. Did you at least scoop them into a graham cracker chocolate bunny piece s'more?
My daughter watched peep jousting so do you know what I have to stage this evening? should be fun though. and we did an extensive jelly bean taste test a couple of years ago and decided that the majority in the family prefer Lifesaver jelly beans, however my daughter is holding firm that Jolly Rancher is the hands down winner. She gave up candy for Lent and has asked for her own bag of Jolly Rancher jelly beans from the Easter Bunny.
You are hilarious. I LOVE this. Um...and you did make peep smores after you were done right?
Love the candy critique.
I hate peeps but killing them in the microwave does give them a legitimate service, since no one will eat them.
Hollow bunnies are wasted space.
I agree that those eggs things are gross and Reeses are the best. Especially dark chocolate ones.
Thanks for the heads up on the lipstick use. I'll pass that along to my daughter-I wouldn't be caught dead with blue lips-that's why makeup artists work at funeral homes.
I think Bun Bun made a good point about the rabbits lying on their backs. I think they deserve a rematch in the upright position.
The peeps jousting video was hilarious! And Robin Eggs lipstick...who knew? I hate to tell you but my hubby loves McRibs. I'm with you..gross
1. I am a lipstick freak like Sherri is a stiletto freak. That being said, I'm buying Robin's Eggs and finding my new Spring shade today!
2. I'm buying Peeps and microwaving them because that looks like sooo much fun.
3. I hate Cadbury Eggs too. You complete me Kat
4. Um hello? Where was the chocolate covered marshmallow bunny? If you don't mention their awesomeness, then the terrorist will truly have won
Last week you were all about the duck.
This week it is bunnies and chicks. You are so fickle, lady!
I so love the laughs I get from your posts. Hilarious! The thought of microwaves peeps is so. . . so. . . I'm wordless. You have to be the most versatile blogger around.
After seeing your video, I think the Washington Post needs to change its annual Peeps contest.
Here's the link for the 5 best for 2010:
Here's the link for the one that won:
Splendid. The carnage is stupendous!
I have to say I don't like peeps either. Marshmallows in general don't do it for me. Viva la revolution!
Hilarious! When my boys were small, the peeps bus came to our area. They insisted on going for a tour. Now, I've never been a big peeps fan (come on! it's just a yellow marshmallow.) but this was a lot of fun. The bus was all decked out in peeps and had peeps of all sizes and shapes on the inside. Wish I wasn't at work so I could show you a picture.
Anyway, Happy EAster to you. And try not to hurt yourself with those things.
You've covered my faves and my non faves perfectly. The video of the two peeps was good... but the plate of them was A-MA-ZING!
Thanks, Kat.
WE DEMAND A REMATCH! And this time place our brethren so that they are standing up!
I think you should do a plate of peeps that are labeled with our names & have "us" joust. I'd like to see which of "us" would win. ;-)
See I told you it was awesome to watch. thanks for the shout out via the twitter. I will try to locate another idea and dm it to you. I love everything you do!!!
I made the mistake of telling my mom I liked Cadbury eggs while in college and ended up toting 36 of the things back with me.
BTW...nver eat more than 3 at one sitting (little vomit in the throat just now).
twould be a problem to share a basket as we like and dislike the same candy's...the video....hilarious!
Wow. that is all.
that and now i understand the tweets about celebrity bunnies and ducks. they are sensitive after all!
First, I can stand the Creme Egg. But I LOVE the mini-eggs. The dark chocolate ones complete me.
Second, Charlie calls the McRib the McNasty. But I'll have to tell him about the McKnuckle.
Third, PLEASE create a Peep Joust of all your favorite commenters. But I call chick. The bunnies were robbed.
Fourth, I hate Whoppers. So I'm sure I hate Robin Eggs. But I may have to tell the Easter Bunny to give some to the kids, just so I can try the lipstick.
Fifth, I am prejudiced against hollow bunnies, and I always bought --oops, I mean THE BUNNY ALWAYS BROUGHT -- solid bunnies for my kids. But then I realized that the kids only ate the ears, then got bored. And then I'd be stuck with random bunny parts in the cupboard until Halloween. I don't need that kind of temptation. This year, hollow it is. (Or so the rumor from the Bunny goes.)
Sixth, I don't have a number six. But I felt the need to ramble just a little bit longer.
I'm so confused. :) I knew your post the other day too serious and high quality. I should a peep battle to follow and balance things out. Who won anyway?
I'm a mystery wrapped inside an enigma, or something like that...
The chick peeps won, but angry bunnies have demanded a rematch. Stay tuned until Tuesday. It should be epic.
Belinda sent me here and oh am I glad she did! Great post! I am rolling. On the floor...except for the part where I got up to type this comment. Back to rolling...
Happy Easter!
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