If you've been reading this blog for awhile, you may know that the blog Stuff Christians Like is what inspired me to start my own blog. I love the sense of community that Jon has created on his site. Take a look at my sidebar. Every blog listed there and many more that aren't are folks I've found either directly or indirectly from the comments section of Stuff Christians Like. He truly is the Kevin Bacon of the blogosphere.
Last Monday, Jon asked the question What if?:
"If only you had a platform with hundreds of thousands of friends from around the world that could easily organize and radically change the world through the power of something like a blog. If only...
Right now, right here, you and me and the Stuff Christians Like community have the chance to be much bigger than a blog. I am growing overwhelmed but the sense that God has given us all a tremendous gift called, “being alive on Monday” and He’s holding His breath in eager anticipation to see what we’ll do next.
And what’s next for Stuff Christians Like is that we’re going to build a kindergarten in Vietnam. (No segue whatsoever; we just jumped into that, didn’t we?)"
That's when something amazing happened...Stuff Christians Like raised $30,000 in 18 hours and funded the building of a kindergarten in Vietnam.
And now the community of Stuff Christians Like would like to build a second kindergarten.
This is not the post I had originally scheduled for Bridget's blog carnival topic of "Community". But last night I saw the following from Jon Acuff on twitter:
@prodigaljohn: I've got 5 on it. Tomorrow, Acuff family is matching the 1st 100 $5 donations for 2nd kindgrten http://tinyurl.com/yaye6aa
And I thought, "How cool is that?" So I sent Jon the following direct messages:
prodigaljohn: I'll match the next 50.
prodigaljohn: I mean the next 20 ($50)
prodigaljohn: Okay...I suck at math. I'll match 20 (that's $100 right?) Sigh...
We send a couple DMs back and forth and then Jon tweets this:
Want to play matchmaker? @katdish is matching $1 for every $5 the Acuffs match tomorrow for $500 for Vietnam. You in? 25cent match means $25
So...are you in? Click on the link and get the rest of the scoop from Jon.
Community "is," but community also "does." And comunity "serves."
This was pretty awesome. I didn't catch those tweets, but wow, what a perfect way to join arms in the name of God and math.
That's a really good idea. REALLY good. I'm broke right now - boy howdy - but if things get a bit richer this week, I will give.
Awesome idea Katdish!
(And you hope Jon is better at math...sure it's only $100?!)
Nice ... putting actions to your words. Thanks for the reminder that while words are good, if followed by actions, they are even better!
The math is hurting my brain. But very cool!
AMEN...it takes is all to make a big difference. Each of us is important!
I am glad you mentioned the community built at (in? by?) Stuff Christians Like. I was thinking about him and how he has affected our cyber lives, but then thought I may just hold that thought for his birthday post on December 19. I know. He doesn't read my blog. Why write a birthday post for him when he won't see it? Because I want to, that's why.
An example of a community that is what Lily Yeh would call a "pilot light". Just one candle is needed to get the others going.
P.S. Thank you for your kind and wonderful comments about my post on Community.
we are all to be community to one another, and you have deinitely done a great job,
Perfect post for the topic of Community. I think the example of 'walking the walk' and not just 'talking the talk' is awesome!
Thanks for this, Kathy.
Oh, I love these testimonies so much. God is always working... :)
Aaaahhh.. Finally, the suspense has been lifted! I was waiting to see what you were so excited about.. and you were right! It is worth posting about! .. SO COOL!
btw, you hurt my brain on those math challenging tweets. ;p
1st timer here... and you opened a REALLY bug doorway! I have a lot of reading to do!!!! : )
Kathy, I'm so glad to see you using your social media giftings for good instead of evil. :o)
You rock, sistah!
What a powerful example of community! It is amazing what a community can do when it works towards a common goal!
Glad you found my blog. And let me just say in advance, Sorry/you're welcome.
Kathy -- I'm with those who commented on the power of action -- to put meaning to words.
What a great community you're building.
Wicked Awesome! (as my 21 year old would say)
This really is community. And I love it. I love the good things that happen here. I mean...literally HERE on your blog and HERE in the blogging world in general.
(now picture me cross-eyed and with my tongue out because that's how I sounded.)
I saw the tweets but didn't understand the math.
I'm not sure I understand it even now, but I'm tired. Whatever it means, you're awesome!
I found you thru SCL! I think the online community is just crazy amazing. There is fake online community (I have 15000 FB friends) and then there is real community-bloggers participating in not just writing but reading and appreciating each others posts in the carnival and God building a crazy kindergarden conpound thru SCLers!
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