Thursday, September 17, 2009

Yeah, I'm still busy...

To celebrate the fact that I'm still busy, I thought I would expound upon my post on Tuesday. Because you see, not only were there frigintastic comments about that dumb book "The Giving Tree", there were also numerous other tangents and rabbit trails within the confines of the comments section. As a matter of fact, that comments section could provide me with blog fodder for the foreseeable future and beyond.

Of course, no one call pull off a tangent with quite the style and grace as my good friend Beth (aka @HerbieGookins). Here's her comment from my post, The Creative Process: A Step by Step Guide. (Which if you haven't read yet, you totally should.):

I missed out yesterday...This sign rules in so many ways. If I let other people see my laundry room, I would totally want one.

I have a box of socks.
Call me Dr. Seuss. When the box gets full and no one has clean socks anymore, I recruit my kids and call it the sock matching game. So far they haven't caught on to the fact that they are helping me do a chore.

Incidentally, my mom came up with a great use for lonely socks. She took them to one of her writing classes and made her students make a puppet out of them and write about it. So someone out there has a sock puppet that used to be my dad's sock. That's weird.
I am nothing like my mother....

Thank you, Beth for that uh....Thank you, Beth!

Now, if you don't know me very well, you may not know that I will employ just about any creative outlet in order to avoid doing laundry. It is my arch nemesis. Well, actually math is my arch nemesis, but laundry is a close second followed by balancing a checkbook. (Okay, not really - I never balance my checkbook. Who the heck writes checks anymore anyway?) But I digress...

When I read Beth's comment, my creative/avoidance juices really started flowing. Ladies and Gentlemen, for you viewing pleasure I give you

Socks in the Box:

    (And no, I can't make you one. Like I said - I"M BUSY! Besides, the laundry is really starting to pile up...)


    Helen said...

    Lovely boxc.
    I love HG also known as Beth.

    Anonymous said...

    Wait, you mean Herbie Gookins is not really her name? *shock*
    Oh and where does the creativity end? One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, katdish...
    I'm not worthy!

    Candy said...

    You're not supposed to use the lone socks to dust? Dust puppets, that's what I have here. Really frustrating when you have two of the same in your dust puppet cupboard.

    Beth said...

    I'll have you know that today, yes, today (!!) is my one year blogging anniversary. So I will consider this as a tribute to my lovely blogging and commenting career.

    Incidentally, it's also my Dad's birthday, so it's fitting (get it...socks...fitting...hrmmm..) that he's mentioned here today.

    I'd like to thank the academy...and katdish for pretty much making my year by making the box for me.

    Oh, and The Socks in a Box box is chock full of socks right now. That's a big box o' socks without homes...I'm sure when it gets colder I'll actually match up a few...

    Max02 said...

    Those boxes are awesome!

    And I still use checks, but only to pay the rent. I also balance a check book. I never, ever thought that day would come...

    Stephanie Wetzel said...

    Great post, great box of socks. As you know, laundry is MY archnemesis (maybe even above math). I have a Walmart reusable shopping bag that they gave me for free but I totally know I will NEVER take into Walmart to use when I actually go so I use it for unmatched socks.

    I could make a whole lot of puppets.

    Also? The main reason I showed up today is to gloat that Beth's husband Frank commented on my blog. HAAA hah! (said in the tone Nelson uses on the Simpsons or maybe his mom with her smoker's voice cuz it's even cooler)

    Stephanie Wetzel said...

    I've had a lot of coffee today. Can you tell?

    Billy Coffey said...

    So let me get this straight. Your creativity is the result of an inherent laziness? Gotcha.

    And why are you so busy, anyway?

    Marni said...

    Those. Are. Awesome. I bow to your power of wit and creativity. When I grow up, I want to be just like you.

    jasonS said...

    That is so cool! Can't go wrong with Dr. Seuss...

    FaithBarista Bonnie said...

    That is SSSSOOO cute!! If I lived near you, I would get you to make me one! :)

    Ginny (MAD21) said...

    I-I-I-I have no words... except... I LOOOOVE THIS!!!!!

    Hilarious story. Not sure how I'd feel about a teacher that brought a box of old, used socks for me to make a project out of... That is so funny and creative, though.

    Ok.. Off to Target I go to get us a SOCK BOX. Yes!! Thanks!