I'm in Austin this weekend. Soaking in the sun by the pool, reading some good books and hanging out with the family. We're at my dad's house for the weekend. Today is Father's Day, and rather than trying to write something on the fly, I thought I would invite you to visit Billy Coffey's blog, and read his post, In Praise of Fathers, and Peter Pollock's post, Happy Father's Day I realize many of you who read my blog also read theirs, but just in case. I didn't want you to miss it. I would also ask that you join with me in remembering all those dads who can't be with their families because they are serving in the armed services. For a glance at what life is like for the families waiting for their return, please visit The Reluctant Homefront. A thank you for her sacrifice would be nice, too. No pressure, though.
Happy Father's Day to my dad and all the dads out there. Hope it's a good one.
Wow, thanks for the link Kat.
To be mentioned in the same paragraph as Billy is like a computer company being mentioned alongside Apple computers.
Thanks Katdish, and have a great time with your family!
Happy Father's day everyone!
Thanks for the shout out, Kat. Hope you have a great trip. Happy Fathers Day, everyone!
Wow, thank you for the unexpected shout out! I'm honored.
You are all very welcome. Thank you.
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