Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another Award

Carol at She Lives awarded me a memeish award. I don't actually know what a "memeish award" is. Candy (aka Candace Jean at Steele the Day) gave me an award last week (or was it the week before?) for being an awesome blogger. It probably should have been the "awesome slacker" award. That's a title I carry proudly. I honestly appreciate the accolades, and I'm going to do this one for Carol because she plays bass, and that's just cool beans. Not that Candy isn't cool -- she's wicked awesome! But I forgot what I'm supposed to do for the other award, and I think I lost the little picture thingy. People should not give me awards unless they are going to cut and paste them to my blog themselves and forward all the necessary necessities to the aforementioned appropriate parties. Not that I'm complaining mind you. Okay, I kinda am, but I do appreciate it! Okay, so I'm actually not going to forward this cuz I'm just all kinds of lazy.

However, for the honor of displaying this fantabulous jpeg of a metal traffic sign, you must:

A) first list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!

B) pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

So allow me to lay down some deep truths about yours truly:

1) When I was a very young girl, I had a major crush on Peter Frampton. I had this ginormous poster of him in my room. It didn't have "Rolling Stone" on it, but that was the picture in the center. I would get up real close to Pete and stare longingly into his glossy paper eyes. I listened to "Frampton Comes Alive" over and over, bought Peter Frampton "I'm in You" and somehow convinced myself that it was even a fraction as good as the live album (which it was NOT!) I even paid cold hard cash to see Peter Frampton and the Bee Gees (for crying out loud) star in St. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. This was a seriously bad movie. So, have you seen Peter Frampton lately? He looks like the CPA that does our taxes. Okay, sorry. We're supposed to be honest. I've never actually met our CPA, but I certainly wouldn't think twice about giving this guy a copy of my W-2 form.

2) When I'm in a goofy mood, I have a real hard time being serious about anything. Now THAT's the truth! There are certain things that I don't think I could ever joke about, but I think life's too short to be all serious and intense all the time. I figure, God made me the way I am for a reason. I think I can use humor to dispel the notion that being a Christian means not having any fun and possibly reach someone that is can appreciate the spiritual gift of sarcasm. At least, that's what I'm betting the farm on. Because if God doesn't have a sense of humor, I think it's a foregone conclusion that I'm pretty much toast. (Now see, I was going to use another descriptive there, but I cleaned it up. Clearly, I'm maturing, right?)

3) I cannot stand phoniness. I took a spiritual gifts assessment and I scored high in the "mercy" category. But I have neither the time nor the patience for big fat fakers! End of rant.

4) Even though I write like I talk, I do a better job conveying a concept or an idea in writing because when I write, I can spit all this stuff out that's in my head and not worry about whether it makes sense. I can make it make sense later. Me talking is like the unedited version of a blog post. I get some blank stares. Granted, I probably get a similar reaction when some read my blog, but sometimes that's intentional. Besides, if people don't "get" me, it's not like
there's any shortage of blogs out there to read.

5) I am a really good friend. No really, I am. If you're my friend, I've totally got your back. Just don't lie to me. Dishonest people rate right up there with phonies. The only notable exception to this rule would be if I were to ask you, "Do these jeans make my butt look fat?" Cuz if you said no, I know you're lying. All jeans make my butt look fat. I'm pretty sure it's some kind of conspiracy.

6) I have close family members that have held on to unforgiveness for over 30 years. It is literally eating them alive from the inside out. It is heartbreaking that they don't seem to realize that it is poisoning every aspect of their lives. I have tried to talk to them, but since I am the youngest child, in many ways I am still considered that dumb little sister that doesn't know what she's talking about.

8) I was raised going to church, but I didn't have the slightest idea who Jesus really is. Church was somewhere you went on Sunday, heard some relatively amusing stories about whales and arks, a guy named Jesus who really loved the little children, and a big God who knew if you had been naughty or nice. Then everybody got the go to Sizzler for a chopped steak and the all you can eat salad bar.

9) When I was in my twenties, I had a group of friends that did not believe in God. I felt such a sense of fellowship with them that I began to adopt their philosophy of "I believe in myself", thinking that it was some great truth. This experience helped me realize the importance of developing real, honest relationships with new believers. They long for a connection; a real sense of fellowship. Don't abandon them. I believe it is Christians, and not God, who have caused people to turn away. I also believe that we will all be held accountable for this - BIG TIME.

10) I skipped number 7. (Just to annoy Angela.)


Candy said...

I can't believe you didn't display the beautiful "Butterfly of Awesomeness." No harm, no foul. Or fowl. I'd take that metal sign in a heartbeat, just because it's so vintage, and so am I. But alas, I'm tired, lazy, and my dog just did his business on my kitchen floor so I'm off doing the bleach water thing. If you find a spiffy award for the "woman who cooks her dog real meals and then wonders why she has to clean them up off the floor" I'll take it.

Helen said...

Thank you for sharing you with us, Kathy. You know the more you share the more we love you. I may do this on my blog if I can be honest about ten whole interesting things about myself.

Anonymous said...

I was so wrapped up in #6 that I didn't notice #7 was missing... So that never goes away? I keep waiting...

Annie K said...

What Helen said. Although, I work for a public 'entity' (read: school district) so I have to be somewhat careful. I can just imagine the parents looking at me and whispering 'so she's THE one' and a revolt against me coaching their girls. Although that brings a funny story to mind (holy crud...did I just Katdish in my mind?). Anyway, we were down against the rivals (and I WILL NOT lose to the rivals). My girls were not listening to a thing I said. So, I called time out. Walked to the sideline and when they were all gathered around, in my softest voice with gritted teeth said...'pass the damn ball'. And turned and walked back to the bench. We won.

After the game, I apologized for the bad word and one of my girls pipes up and says..'it's OK Coach Anne, we hear worse and say worse than that all the time.' Snap.

What does this have to do with your post? Nothing. I just thought of that story.

BeckeyZ said...


#9 really got to me. I went through something very similar and have the same conviction.

You rock! Luv ya lots!!!

wv: boriona - it's a place I go to when hubby starts watching tennis on t.v.

Anonymous said...

Very cool award!

I agree. Many of us will have a lot to answer for, when it comes to the way we treat other believers.

wv - cerge = the sound those reaching 45 make when getting up from the floor.

Sherri Murphy said...

Peter Frampton was my first rock star crush! (Well, actually in 6th grade I had a crush on Elton John. Boy, can I pick 'em or what?)

I had the same Frampton poster, album and all the magazines he was in (except for Rolling Stone- my strict parents wouldn't let me buy one in the 8th grade!)

His long gorgeous locks , and yes, those glossy paper eyes....would just give me fits!

DId I mention Big AL had VERY long hair when we first got together?

'Scuse me- I gotta' go kiss somebody. I'm feeling really sentimental.

Mary Ann said...

It's true! The more we learn about you, the more we love you. The friend thing comes as no surprise...

wv: pouter

I become quite the pouter when I think about how little time I get to "chat" with ya'll lately...

Tony C said...

I'm truly embarrassed to admit, but will in the spirit of your post, that Night Fever was playing on my iTunes as I read this.

But I swear to you I only have 1 Bee Gee's wait...dang that Jive Talking.

Can we keep this between just us?

katdish said...

Candy - you are such a good dog mommy!

Helen - that would be a great read!

Angela -
11. Not number 7.

Annie - I think I might be a bad influence on you, which is awesome.

Beckey - Ugh! My hubby watches tennis on tv too! zzzzzzzz

Shawn - yeah, eternity with Jesus is worth the difficulties we face here, but that doesn't mean we won't be held accountable for what we do. I imagine it will be infinately worse than any long waits outside the principal's office. (not that that's ever happened to me, I'm just saying...)

Tony - My image of you is entirely shattered.

jasonS said...

#6 speaks to me because I watched it with secrets and trying to keep up appearances. That's why it makes me sick now and I can be really open (maybe too open) when I preach or talk to people. I don't want to hide! I see the devastation it causes just like unforgiveness and it's totally worthless.

Anonymous said...

Great list Katdish.

I particularly liked #7. It was well written and thought provoking.

#10 was great too.

Thanks for the link to BTW.

Totally awesome!

katdish said...

Ya'll need to check out my new "multiple contributors" blog:

Fellowship of the Traveling Smarty Pants

If for no other reason than to check out the picture in the top left sidebar - awesome!

Christy said...

Enjoyed getting inside your head there for a bit. Kinda messy, though. I blogged about this kind of thing today. Great minds think alike? Maaaybe!