Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Smile and say "Sucker"!

Dear Friend,
i am happy to inform you about my soccessful in getting a new partner in Aguru whom help me to transfered the fund into his i am in Bangkok now to use my own share of $20,000000.00usd for investment.but i do not forget your effort that you made last time to make sure that this fund had transferred into your account but at the end it seem to been in vain due to the bank charges.Because of the effort i had made the check of $1,000,000.00usd which i had kept for your contact my secretary to send the check to you whose name is REV,UBAKA EZEH / His email adress is,
phone 0022993792475 free to contact or call him.make sure that if you recieve it you do let me know to share the joy together.finally, remember that I had forwarded instruction to my secretary on your behalf to receive that money.

Hold the phones! I think I'm gonna be rich! I received this email recently and apparently, Mr. Atiku has been soccessful in getting a new partner in Agura who help him transfered $20,000000 into his account! (I guess when you're dealing with that much money, commas are no longer necessary.) Anyhoo, once I received my ONE MILLION LARGE as compersation for my efforts, I'm gonna fly all of you down to Texas for a big ol' phat party to share the joy together. I can hardly wait!!!


Kris said...

i'd take a piece of that action...

katdish said...

Oh yeah...I'm suprised your hubby hasn't cashed in on this one yet.

Helen said...

Maybe instead of sending him money, you can send him your blog address, and we can all be cyber friends instead. La la la la la la

JML said...

HI! I actually got an email saying that I had a person who wanted me dead... that one was awesome. Anyways, I was thinking about some blog posts, and I wanted to tell you that I always wonder what you'll think now as I'm piecing these things together. I know that doesn't fit with this, but I really appreciate your insight and all that!!!!! You my friend, rock!

JML said...

Jerry, my "little c" professor friend bought it for me. I'm still in the introduction and it's wretched so far! We've been getting together and discussing it though, (rather, he's coaching me through it because it's a hard read. too many words with seventeen syllables!!!) I'll I'm going to say is that I feel even stronger in my convictions merely because I'm realizing how stupid some of the others are!!!! Not that I'm against feminism, but feminizing the Bible just doesn't seem to work that well!

Mary Ann said...

ewww. I'm about 90% sure that's from Nigeria...maybe even my neighbors. Sorry. =)